Defining Difference – PTC and PPC

Defining Clicks 

Making money online using hands just by a click. These what they called PTC(Paid-to-Click) and PPC(PayPerClick). A way of earning money online, used by small online business and home working people. 

Bitcoin-Chain Currency Expansion

Bitcoin Expansion 

Technology is going further evolving, now a currency is expanding its value on the world wide web. It’s having its own chain currency expansion, we called it a bitcoin. A new currency appeared.

Bitcoin under Satoshi Nakamoto an unknown programmer created an open source software peer-to-peer (P2P) and transaction system. All transactions are verified by nodes and publicly recorded  in ledger called blokchain.
As time goes by vendors and merchants accept bitcoin as a payment. It can also be an investment, it can be exchange for other currencies, products and legal services or in a black market.

2 Basic Web Designer Tools

Tools For Web Designers 

Technology keeps on evolving, standards keep on advancing and day by day it’s updating.

Creativeness is the key for web designs. There are now so many websites business, blogs, social media sites, and many more. In making a website, well you must know what is it for, must know your audience; it must me user content friendly. But now there are simple ways to make a sites because many CMS platforms.
Every web designer needs a software where they can design their layouts, make a code, create or edit images, and make the site functional.

Life of Freelancer

Freelancer Life

Person who is self-employed and is not necessarily committed to a particular employer long or part time and project-based, is called a freelancer. There are so many different kinds of a freelancer such as web developer, web designer, and article or blog writer, virtual assistant and kinds of tasks that is related on the web tasks.

Virtual Assistant Provides

Like A Personal Secretary 

To all online businesses or entrepreneurs, are you so busy running your business? Is the biggest problem experience a lack of adequate staff or resources? No worry Virtual Assistant provides them all.

What is Virtual Assistant (VA)?

Tough Choice: Graphic Design versus Web Design

Choice To Be What?

If you’re probing for an opportunity to amalgamate your love of technology with your zealousness for design, you’ll probably find yourself faced with a tough cull: graphic design versus web design.

There are many specialties that fall under the umbrella of the design industry. For example, a fashion designer is different from textile designers, which are both very different from an interior designer.
While they all share homogeneous attributes, there are distinct differences in these fields. Understanding these distinctions is a paramount part of determining what type of vocation you’d relish to pursue.
It’s consequential to have a comprehensive understanding of each field in order to determine which best suits you and your personality. Conducting a little extra research now can avail prepare you for prosperity in the long run.
We engendered an info graphic that outlines these two common—and commonly misunderstood—career paths.

Blog for Starters

How to start or make a blog site?

The first question entered my thought. So many steps, many tips and many more. Hope that one day I can understand them all.

By the way I’m a first timer having this personal blog site. I just want to post some articles of issues that surround us maybe blogs about health, internet, technology, wellness and issues that we are having every day. So maybe on my next posts we can share some stuffs and comment on some issues. Share ideas with each other a blog for starters.

I search and read from the internet how to start a blog and I got here “write a how to article in 4 easy steps”.

Here are those steps:

  • ·         STEP 1: SELECT YOUR TOPIC.
  • ·     STEP 3: RESEARCH.
Hope those steps would help, and hope somebody can give me more ideas and clearer thoughts on making a blog posts.