SEO Guide: Beginners 101

5 Fundamentals To Optimize Your Website

As a beginner to search engine optimization, welcome to SEO GUIDE: Beginners 101 your complete guide and to understand your magic way to rank your website on the top page of a search engines. Search engines are mainly administered by complex algorithms. This may take you a lot of attempt and time to assure that your website or web pages get the merit to be on top.

“Good SEO work only gets better over time. It’s only search engine tricks that need to keep changing when the ranking algorithms change.” – Jill Whalen (@jillwhalen),

What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the system of affecting the online visualness of a website in a web search engine's rank page results, and a process of increasing the quality and quantity traffic of your website. It focuses the unpaid websites (they called ‘organic’ websites) results rankings. SEO purpose is to search different kinds of search includes content and image search, business search, video search, and industry search.

Most website owners doesn’t know the basics of seo. That’s why it ends up that they easily give up or they don’t get the expected results.

What will you expected in this blogsphere community is a basic guidance or a recommendation that works. I have learn it by research, reading and tested it, in this site to be confirmed by the google adsense. It just happens along the way, and I thank it.

Seo guide: beginners 101 tips are listed below, these steps can help your website achieves its ranking. It is time-and-tested tips were also I used and I can give 100% safe and easy.

Let us start on the first seo tip.

1. Page title and description

- This is very first thing you will create on your website, what is its name and description.

Page title

Home Page title – this is the name of your website. You can use a website for business/blog/or an affiliate.

Post/Page title – post/pages titles are the contents that composes what is in your website. Composes of productive information for the visitors, that will help them get what they want.

SEO Guide for Page Titles: The uniqueness, must be brief, and it directs what your homepage/post/page title is all about.

Description or <meta> tags
The <meta> or description tag is also paramount like the page title. Search engine get this to show a brief synopsis of your page.

SEO Guide for Description:

  • Provide also unique description. 
  • Make the description as an ‘advertiser’ of your page/post to the visitors. 
  • Add a keyword but not too much. 
  • Avoid repeating description on every post/page. 

2. Use good text formats

– These are also the basics to be put also in mind. Use of head tags, fonts, and text formats. These are commonly used on title headers, sub-headings, and paragraph formats. Remember put this always in your mind this is one of the essential understanding seo for beginners.

SEO Guide for text formatting:

  • H1<tags> - Use for title of post/page. 
  • H2<tags>- Use for main heading of post/page. 
  • Use fonts that easy to read. 
  • Write contents – Tip: Make use of bold and italics format to draw attentions of the readers. 

3. Permalinks and breadcrumbs.

Permalinks – A permanent static url to a precise webpage or an entry in a blog. It is what a blogger will use to link articles, or might send a link like an affiliate seller.

SEO Guide for permalinks:

  • Make permalinks simple (you can edit it), this will make the search engine and users easy to read and understand. 
  • Avoid make it to long-winded worthless links. 
  • You can use a description that define the page itself. 

Breadcrumbs – It’s a navigational hierarchy that indicates the user’s page/blog location. Some website builder platforms has plugin that automatically create this, like wordpress.

4. Image Optimization

– Images are so useful for your contents it enhances the user experience level and when added it certainly help the readers understand your article. Simple recommendation, add images to every article to make it appealing.

SEO Guide for Images:

  • Use a related image for your article. 
  • Reduce the file size for a fast loading and match image dimensions. 
  • Add caption for easier scanning. 
  • Pick the right filename. 

5. Text Content

– The center-most of the websites. You must have superb content on your website, it must be good. This is the leading key of all. It’s not about the more words you put on the content, but what is really you want the readers to get.

SEO Guide for Text Contents: (GoogleWebmaster General Guidelines)

Make post/page contents primarily for users or readers, not for search engine.
Don’t deceive the users or readers.
Avoid tricks intended to improve search engine rankings.
Your contents must help the users or readers.
Think about what makes your website unique, valuable, or engaging.

After doing this guides and tips submit your website to search engines, to each webmaster tool (Google, Bing, Yahoo, Yandex, Quant, etc.). This would get your crawl index and best impressions on the web. It is a diagnostic tool to get the data properties of your website, and then it checks the index and visibility of your website. In making a new website this basic guide will be the principal in creating a website.

As Brief of SEO Guide.

To all the guides I have said from the page title, description, images, text formats and permalinks and breadcrumbs, the most important to stick with is by ‘Persistent Trinity Rule’ – aspect, important, and simplicity. Aspect point out to the uniqueness, important point out to the relation of the content and its audience, and then simplicity point out to being organized and well-delivered information. With this seo guide: beginners 101 tips are just the fundamentals of seo, this step will take you to an advance stage. Remember all advance knowledge comes from each fundamentals, here you will start website optimization tips.


  1. Interesting share! I also am a newbie learning various online marketing techniques. SEO is one of the most popular methods among the businesses because it can affect the appearance of a website in a natural search results. Even I have been thinking to launch DIY seo campaign so this guide is going to help me from scratch.
